Monday, January 19, 2009

The Less We Have The More We Give... Seems Absurd, But It's The Logic Of Love

It is very compelling that before Jesus explained God's words, before he explained the beatitudes to the crowd, he felt compassion for them and fed them. (Matthew 5) Only after they were fed did he start to teach them.

At the moment of death we will not be judged according to the number of good deeds we have done or by the diplomas we have received in our lifetime. We will be judged according to the love we have put into our work.
Let us not be satisfied just by giving money. Money is not everything. Money is something you can get. The poor need the work of our hands, the love of our hearts. Love, an abundant love, is the expression of our Christian religion.
"Suffering in itself has no value. The greatest gift we can enjoy is the possibility to share Christ's passion."

Mother Teresa 1910-1997

Saturday, March 22, 2008

My Trip Form Catalina Island, Ensanada Mexico, To Hollywood CA

March 3-8, 2008

A week of fun and relaxation with my sister Dorian. We flew in to Los Angeles, CA for a cruise to Catalina Island and Ensanada Mexico. On a whim on our way back we spent the day in Hollywood. In Catalina we went for a long walk on the beach and then Dorian went shopping and I fell asleep on the beach. In Ensanada Mexico we went on a winery tour. The one wine cellar that I thought was the best was under mountain in a cave. The aroma of these winery's were amazing. We were able to sample lots of wine and olive oil. We each had plenty of wine! Dorian even bought several bottles to take home. When we were in Hollywood we walked on Hollywood Blvd. the street with the stars. We saw plenty of impersonators to of my favorite were the pirates in the picture with me. After a rough ride home on the plane with lots of turbulence we landed or should I say slid in to the Dayton airport. At home we were having a blizzard. I decided to drive Dorian home and attempt to drive to my house. It took about 2 hours. No streets were visible. Besides it was 3am and very dark. No one was on the streets in fact no one was aloud on the streets. Finally I made it home. I fell asleep for about 2 hours and woke up to the light of my life whom I missed so much. I spent the day with him snowed in with no kids... WOW! My short trip was over and back to reality 3 kids and I start a new job tomorrow. It is cold and there is snow everywhere allot different then 70 degrees and sun with doing whatever I wanted. I cant wait till next year for the annual cruise maybe I can get both sisters to come.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Trip To Denver Colorado

Denver Colorado

Garden Of The Gods

My journey to the Denver airport from Dayton OH started at 3:00am what an amazing view I had out the window of the plane. As I saw the sun rising over the horizon it was like a rainbow that covered the entire sky. I arrived at the Denver Airport on Monday February 25, 2008.Upon my arrival I was greeted by a huge smile from Chuy who flew on a separate flight out of Cincinnati. He needed to go to Denver on business. I did get to spend some time with him since he decided to come to Denver a little early to meet my sister and her husband and see a little bit of Denver.

We spent the first day in Boulder it was beautiful. The weather was amazing felt like a spring day. Chuy and I walked at a park grabbed some lunch and walked some more. That evening we arrived at my sisters. When she greeted us at the door she looked so beautiful to me. I had not seen her in about 2 years (to long). The first words she spoke to me touched my heart some where very deep. I could have cried. She said "I have been so excited today. To know you were in Denver gave me butterflies in my stomach." How blessed my little sister made me feel. I was just over whelmed and missed her so very much I could have stood there and hugged her for ever.

The next day Chuy and I ventured to The Garden of The Gods. The whole day was amazing everything from Starbucks to the beautiful view. The thing that made the day so perfect was the person I spent the day with.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

God can heal a broken heart but he has to have all the pieces

God can heal a broken heart but he has to have all the pieces.
Life can some times give us lemons but the experiences have little validity unless it becomes a testimony to the presence of God in my own life and a witness to the power of God in the lives of others.
When our hearts feel broken this is an opportunity for spiritual growth. God can and will heal a broken heart. We first have to allow him to have all the pieces. We can not hang on to the bitterness, anger or unforgiveness. It's getting to this spot that seems difficult.
Ultimate hatred and ultimate love met on those two crosspieces of wood. Suffering and love were brought into harmony.
The true test of walking in the Spirit will not be the way we act but the way we react to frustrations and pain in our lives.
Living in the past is the only prison that will prevent us from soaring into an abundant future.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Immigration: From A Christian View Point

The Fri Feb 1, 2008 Cincinnati Enquirer Reported by Jim Elfers in Oakley says "When I look to my faith, I see that Christ taught me to feed the poor and clothe the naked. Nowhere in Christ's message do find a mandate to build a huge wall so others cannot have the opportunity to feed and clothe their impoverished families."

Thank you for voicing your opinion. If more people stood up for what Christ has called us to do the world would be a better place for everyone.

Authority is necessary in order to operate a country or business of any kind. Therefore, the people in positions of authority are part of God’s plan for orderliness in the world. We are directed to submit ourselves to the people who have risen to those positions of directing work to be done. To rebel against that authority is to rebel against God’s order, which will bring God’s judgment on us. Only when that authority would lead us to compromise Christ’s principles should we refuse to submit. Christians need to take this seriously, even though this may be difficult to stand up for the rights of our fellow immigrants under a generation that rejects them. We must remember who has ultimate authority over us. Christ gives us the ultimate example of authority and compassion. We are instructed “He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker, but he who honors Him mercy on the needy.” The word of God also says “Execute true justice, show mercy and compassion everyone to his brother. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor. Let none of you plan evil in his heart against his brother.”

Contrary to the majority of U.S. citizens voicing hatred and rejection of our immigrants, we as Christ followers need to stand up and be heard. Help change a life today. Voice your heart felt feelings. Write your congressman. Step out and try to make a difference. We the minority are weak but He is strong! Monica Ewing (Norwood OH)

Check out Butler County Sheriff Jones at his web site. Just look at what is happening there and post your comments.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

In Search For a Better Life

Immigrants: They are people first
God created and loved.
They have earnest lives and tragic deaths. How do we treat the undocumented workers in our midst?
With the same compassion and respect we afford other human beings. Some are here to work and return to their home countries, as many do throughout the world. But, if we are fortunate, they will choose to stay, raise their children and make the same contributions all past generations of immigrants have. The presence of brother and sisters from different cultures should be celebrated as a gift. When we enrich each other with our diversity, we become what God envisioned when he told the Israelites: "You too must befriend the alien, for you were once aliens yourselves." Human respect for our fellow man is a much more uplifting human response to immigrants. Immigrants simply want to survive and provide a future for their families. It is so limited and tortuous now that the only solution for so many long-suffering good people who would rather be legal is to become illegal for the sake of there families survival. We need to reestablish hope instead of fear that has become their primary emotion. We need to respect their rich culture and active faith. I will continue to support their human rights. This country holds the promise of a better way of life for most. What impresses me most, in the Hispanic population is their willingness to work hard for the money that they earn. The pride that they demonstrate in the fact that there families come before all else.

Do you have indoor plumbing?
Do you have running water?
Does your home consist of one room with a dirt floor?
Did you get a chance to complete elementary school?
Do you make more than $4.57 a day?

These are the things we in this country take for granted.
We need to promote peace, justice and respect for our immigrant brothers and sisters. Who are in search for a better life.

I urge everyone to voice there comments to the Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones office blog check it out see what our goverment is trying to do.

Also check out Pastor Kevin Jobe of Norwood's blog as he speaks out.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Strenghth Through Weakness

"My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you." So I am very happy to brag about my weakness. Then Christ's power can live in me. 2Corinthians 12:9
God has blessed you with gifts and talents to make a difference in your world-including your family. But He's also created you with the need to depend on Him consistently. Sometimes the greatest challenge in our lives is to not try harder but to trust more. The good news is that with trust in God, we are never powerless or helpless. In the midst of pressure and busyness, firm belief in a good and loving God is the only road to vibrant living. I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day.

As a single mother of three beautiful daughters life often feels like a three-ring circus. I don't mind the circus so much, but trying to be the ringmaster of all those rings at once can make my head spin. On one of these manic, crazy-busy days, my bright eight-year old reminded me that one thing that could have taken the sting out of the rush was the first thing eliminated from to-do list.

My daughter came wandering to the car while I was convinced Moses could move faster than my daughter even if he was on crutches. As she piled her backpack, her muddy shoes, and herself into the car, I sighed, started the car, and said, "Mommy's in a hurry." I suppose it would have taken too much precious time to say hi before I started grumbling. She says "Your always in a hurry," looking out the window. I felt bad. But still kept on rushing and huffing and sighing.

By nine that night, I was finally able to get around to prepping may daughter for bed ...lucky her. I just knew that long after she had drifted to sleep with her stuffed monkey, I'd still be awake, busily attending to details. I tucked her in, kissed her hastily on the forehead, and said goodnight.

She stopped me at the door in my rushed tracks as I flicked off the light switch. "Mommy, make sure to say your prayers before you go to sleep," she soberly commanded. I was glad she reminded me, but embarrassed that she had to.

In my crazy task-and worry-filled day, I hadn't left room for the most important thing of all, and my daughter as young as she is, had remembered something so much more vital than laundry and meetings and dishes and home work.

God tells us to "be still." I think He tells us this because He knows that our lives are not still, and it takes some effort on our part. It isn't always easy to set aside time to pray and commit my fast paced life to God. But being still and soaking up His provision of wisdom and guidance is worth every effort. And, thankfully, even if I forget to put Him on my agenda, He always puts me on His.

"Fill us with your love every morning. Then we will sing and rejoice all our lives."
Psalm 90:14